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reference > includes > Confg.h

#ifndef CONFG_H
    #define CONFG_H
	class Confg
		std::string line,token;
		std::string systemName;
		const char* confgfile;
		std::map __Confg;
		std::map indexConfg,indexValidCodeConfg,valueValidCodeConfg;
                // --- Constructor and destructors 2
		Confg(); // --- Constructor and destructors 1
		Confg(std::string _systemName, const char* _confgfile);
		void ConfgReset(const char* _confgfile);
		void ConfgReader(const char* _confgfile);
		void PreviewConfg(); // --- Preview .confg file
		void EditConfg(); // --- Edit .confg file
                // Preview edited changes(mustApply=1 for ApplyEditedChanges,=0 otherwise)
		void PreviewEditedChanges(int mustApply);
		void ApplyEditedChanges(); // --- Apply edited changes .confg file
		void SaveChanges(); // --- Save edited changes .confg file
		std::string getVal(const char* val);
		std::string getNode(const char* val);
		const int findKey(std::map mapContainter, const char* val);
		bool isInMapKeyInt(std::map mapContainter,int val);
		bool isInMapValInt(std::map mapContainter,int val);
		bool isInMapKeyStr(const char* val);
		bool isInMapValStr(std::map mapContainter,const char* val);
	};//End of the class